Home » Fiscal Solutions

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Aclas CRV3X

New generation ETR Machine, with thermal printer. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Prepare and file taxes electronically.

Aclas CRV5X

New generation ETR Machine, with thermal printer. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Prepare and file taxes electronically.

DJV FC4 Fiscal Box

Aclas CRBX Upgrade - Online box to upgrade ETR to New Generation Fiscal Device to be able to Prepare and file taxes electronically.


Next Generation Mobile Android ETR. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Prepare and file taxes electronically.

Incotex 181

ETR Machine, with thermal printer. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Prepare and file taxes electronically.

Incotex 600 ESD

Electronic Signature Device, with thermal printer. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Issue invoices, fee notes, delivery notes etc.

Incotex 777

ETR Machine, with thermal printer. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Prepare and file taxes electronically.

NexGo N5

New Generation Android ETR Machine. Captures barcodes, QR codes and accepts different payment methods including NFC, EMV, PIN-based transactions, and signature capture.

NexGo N86

New Generation Android ETR Machine with thermal printer. Accepts payments of magnetic stripe cards, IC cards, contactless/NFC and 1D&2D codes.

Ocom POS-Q1/Q2

New Generation Android ETR Machine with thermal printer, large battery, large volume speaker and supports 32GB TF extended memory.

Ocom TM-1502

ETR Machine, with thermal printer. KRA Approved and TIMS ready. Improved design and functionality.